Monday, June 29, 2009

The Terms

I can't help but share this such powerful article. I don't wanna be emotional again but I really can't control my tears.. keep falling on my cheeks. Elisabeth Elliot is my favorite author. From the time I knew the Lord, her books contributed on the changes in my life, such big influence. I am truly grateful to the Lord for letting me read her book Passion and Purity. The book was recommended by Sis Dhines (thanks sis from the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful. Love you sis!). From then on I started to fall in love with her messages and begun to collect her books. She never failed on inspiring and encouraging me through her articles and I praise God for that.

Upon reading this article, my heart was filled with so much hope and joy. There were times in my life that I wanted to stop following Him, point of giving up and walk on my own. This message reminded me of those times I doubted, the time I complained, and questioned Him, and I feel sorry for myself and mortified. I wish I never took umbrage no matter what. But in the same way, Elisabeth gives me strength and hope. When I decided to follow Him, I am aware of the costs or the terms as Elisabeth described but how could I forgot and dare to doubt. I thank the Lord for reminding me the costs as well as the reward I will get if I continue following Him. God is truly gracious. His loving-kindness never fails.

Elisabeth Elliot
Source: A Lamp For My Feet
Scripture Reference: John 16:33

The Terms

"The man who is challenged by Fate does not take umbrage at the terms," wrote Dag Hammarskjold. So the man called by Christ. Any terms at all are acceptable if we may be permitted to walk with Him.

"But is this the path, Lord? Must we take this one in order to reach Home?"

"Trust Me."

When the way to the house of the Lord leads through the "Valley of the Shadow," we accept those terms, too. If we suffer loss, scorn, misunderstanding, false accusation, or any other form of trouble, it is what we agreed on to begin with. Compared with the rewards promised, it is nothing; so let us not take umbrage. Let us be quite clear and matter-of-fact about it: "In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer [cheer up!] I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33).

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