Sunday, June 14, 2009

Don't Give Up!

Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. -Matthew 7:13-14

I was truly moved with Sis Merla's message awhile ago. She said, "it's hard to obey the will of God because we always want to follow our own way". Then she added, "actually, doing God's will is not that hard. It only becomes hard when you want to go your own way".

Yes, I totally agree that it seems hard because we always insist our own will, doing things our way instead of obeying His will. But if we only learn to obey and die to ourselves it will be smooth and not that hard.

Then she said, "entering the narrow gate is just the beginning. You have to walk through the narrow road before you reach God's kingdom (eternal life). And before you can enter, you must knock first. And only few find this gate."

It's true that there are only few who'll find this narrow gate and there are few among those few finds the gate and have the key, will enter. What is it that holds us back and why we don't want to enter? I really pray that I am one of the few who will enter the gate and walk through the narrow road.

Then she added, " it is narrow road because you have to go through hardships before you reach His kingdom as it is written on Acts 14:22 (strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God"). But no matter how hard it is, though there are lot of trials, temptations, and struggles, DON'T GIVE UP!", she said.

Yes, following the Lord Jesus wasn't that easy. There are prizes you need to pay. I've been struggling and into pain for the past 2 weeks, and sometimes I feel like giving up. I've been crying to the Lord because my emotion was too strong for me to fight. But I am so grateful and I thank the Lord for using Sis Merla to tell me not to give up. I may be weak but God is the strength of my heart. I am so blessed despite of all this pain and sorrows I am feeling because my God, and my Savior , and with the help of our leaders, I am truly inspired to continue and press on towards the goal. Yes, as the song goes, there will be a day, where no more tears, no more pain and I will see Jesus and my Creator face to face. I thank God for I am relieved and encouraged. Whenever the enemy reminds me of my pain, God reminds me His message through Sis Merla, "Gayle, don't give up!" What a sweet and strong message. Thank God for the life of Sis Merla. She is truly an inspiration to me as well as Sis Aby and Sis Dhines.

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