Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free From Fear..

Yesterday, something terrible happened. Something that broke my heart so bad. I've never been so mad and hurt as bad as I was yesterday. And what hurts most is that, the people you love are the ones who caused you the devastation. The people that you care most, people who are truly close to your heart and soul.

Last night, I actually wrote a letter to God on my journal, telling Him what is on my mind and heart, asking Him so many questions, pouring out my heart, venting everything to Him. That is what I usually do that I failed doing for a long time. I also tried reading the Word, listen to Pastor Erick's preaching, and do a lot of stuff but nothing is getting through. I couldn't grasp anything because of pain and what happened keeps playing on my mind and I ended up crying till I slept.

Tonight, I want to spend my time reading to seek God's message for me. So I decided to check my mails and read daily devotions. But before I get the chance to read, I checked Sis Dhines mail for me. I already shared few things to her last night so she mailed me to check if I am ok. Upon replying to her mail, I couldn't stop myself from crying like a baby. I told her what I am really feeling. I want to be honest with her and with our leaders because they are my family too and I love them. I even told her that I am trying to forgive myself and forgive these people , that I am tired of crying, and everything that is in my heart. The sisters and our leaders were all blessing to me. They are one of the reasons why I am pressing on, why I don't wanna give up.

After replying, I checked on this mail and my tears started to flow again. This message shocked me and I was indeed moved. As if the author is talking to me. Yes, this is one of God's messages to me I believe and I know that there are more things to ponder on and meditate to grasp all His messages to me. So I am sharing it because I know this message goes out to all who are suffering as I am. I really praise God for all the things He is doing for me, for His great love for me.

Author: Warren Wiersbe
Source: Prayer, Praise and Promises
Scripture Reference: Psalm 64:1-10

Free From Fear

Read Psalm 64:1-10

Most of us live relatively safe and secure lives, but David was in exile. He was being hounded by King Saul, who wanted to kill him. Here David prays for protection, and he closes the psalm by saying, "The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in Him. And all the upright in heart shall glory" (v. 10). We find three key concepts in this verse that encourage us: joy, faith and glory.

Are you glad in the Lord today? So many times we are not glad because of circumstances. David prayed, "Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation; preserve my life from fear of the enemy" (v. 1). I would have said, "Preserve my life from the enemy." But David said, "Preserve me from fear of the enemy." In other words, instead of fear he had faith. Instead of fear he had joy. Instead of fear he wanted to bring glory to God.

Most of our problems are not on the outside but on the inside. When the disciples were in the boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee on a stormy night, Jesus came to them and rebuked them for their unbelief. Their problem wasn't the storm on the outside--it was the storm on the inside. Likewise, your problem today may not be the circumstances around you or the people against you. It may be the fear that's inside you.

"All men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God" (v. 9). David sang praises to the Lord. He was glad in the Lord. He trusted in and gave glory to Him. "All the upright in heart shall glory" (v. 10). It's easy to read this verse but much more difficult to practice it. Take your eyes off the circumstances and put them on the Lord. Trust in His promises, not your own power. And most of all, seek to bring Him all the glory.

* * *

Fear can rob you of your joy and trust in God. Don't allow fear or circumstances to take your eyes off the Lord. Let the truth of the Word of God control your mind and heart.

I read the mail many times and asking God what fear the author is talking about. Then God impressed in my heart about my fear and that is my fear of losing my love ones completely. I want them to understand my heart's desire, why I am doing what I am doing now, I want them to experience the same experience I am having with God, with Lord Jesus, and the joy and love in the church. I am afraid that they will miss all these things, that they will not understand me and we will be separated by heart for a long time. Then I prayed to God and committing Him everything, giving Him my whole trust, leaving everything to Him. However, I know that there are also things that I need to sort and settle for myself. I mean, I need to truly understand and get what God wants me to practice and I believe God is dealing with me. I admit my faults for doing things according to my own will, my own way. I need to see my flaws and be changed for the better according to His will. I wish and hope that I will be able to see things the way God is seeing them. I wish I could see the world through His very eyes and feel everything through His very heart and mind. Very funny because last night and just awhile ago my wishes were different. I even wished that I am numb for me not to feel any pain, I wished that I didn't love and care much and lot of wishes that are full of pain and desolation. Praise God for His comfort and for pruning me no matter how tormenting it is, it is for my own good anyway. Now, my heart is rejoicing despite of what happened. I really want to practice rejoicing in all circumstances. As what Sis Merla said, "don't give up!", press on. These things are just temporary, they will all pass and the reward was more than I am expecting. I am truly grateful and blessed for the life of my dear sisters, Sis Dhines, Sis Aby, Sis Merla, Sis Elena, Sis Connie, Sis Lorrie, our dear brothers Bro William, Bro Johny, our beloved Pastor Peter, mighty man of God, our Pastor Erick Chang, and all our leaders, and their teachings that imparted hope, strength, love, joy, and deeper faith to my heart and soul. I think, I need to take things easy and no need to rush on the things I want. I need to stay closer to Him, follow His leading, and obey His will. I have to be strong and fight the good fight of faith until I attain God's will for me and be the person He wants me to be.

"Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12

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