Monday, June 29, 2009

The Terms

I can't help but share this such powerful article. I don't wanna be emotional again but I really can't control my tears.. keep falling on my cheeks. Elisabeth Elliot is my favorite author. From the time I knew the Lord, her books contributed on the changes in my life, such big influence. I am truly grateful to the Lord for letting me read her book Passion and Purity. The book was recommended by Sis Dhines (thanks sis from the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful. Love you sis!). From then on I started to fall in love with her messages and begun to collect her books. She never failed on inspiring and encouraging me through her articles and I praise God for that.

Upon reading this article, my heart was filled with so much hope and joy. There were times in my life that I wanted to stop following Him, point of giving up and walk on my own. This message reminded me of those times I doubted, the time I complained, and questioned Him, and I feel sorry for myself and mortified. I wish I never took umbrage no matter what. But in the same way, Elisabeth gives me strength and hope. When I decided to follow Him, I am aware of the costs or the terms as Elisabeth described but how could I forgot and dare to doubt. I thank the Lord for reminding me the costs as well as the reward I will get if I continue following Him. God is truly gracious. His loving-kindness never fails.

Elisabeth Elliot
Source: A Lamp For My Feet
Scripture Reference: John 16:33

The Terms

"The man who is challenged by Fate does not take umbrage at the terms," wrote Dag Hammarskjold. So the man called by Christ. Any terms at all are acceptable if we may be permitted to walk with Him.

"But is this the path, Lord? Must we take this one in order to reach Home?"

"Trust Me."

When the way to the house of the Lord leads through the "Valley of the Shadow," we accept those terms, too. If we suffer loss, scorn, misunderstanding, false accusation, or any other form of trouble, it is what we agreed on to begin with. Compared with the rewards promised, it is nothing; so let us not take umbrage. Let us be quite clear and matter-of-fact about it: "In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer [cheer up!] I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33).

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Slow Motion

I was checking Youtube last Thursday, trying to look for Victor Kim's videos because I dreamt about him. I dreamt that we are singing together. Then I came across his video with Lydia Paek, her co-member on Quest Crew. I was in loved with the song Lydia's singing, her voice was great and Victor's guitar was brilliant. I was addicted to the song, it's really a wonderful song and great lyrics. I've checked also the original but I still love Lydia and Victor's version. By the way, Lydia reminds of my friend Malou (Japan). She also has a great voice and they have the resemblance. I believe our friends will agree with me hehe. Miss you much guys!!!

Slow Motion (Lydia Paek & Victor Kim)

Slow Motion
Karina Pasian

I Know That You've Been Calling Me,
And I'm happy that we met.
Don't think that I'm not interested.
I'm just playing hard to get

So much about this crazy game they call love
That I'm trying to understand,
So could you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man

Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I?

[Verse 2:]
You seem to know just what you want
And I like your confidence
Some things a girl should never rush
Cause If you do you hurt yourself

So much about this crazy game they call love
I'm still trying to understand,
So could you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man

Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I

I'm too young for tears in the night
And it's to soon for this to be right
Don't wanna mess with your pride
The questions not when but why

Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
I Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't... I

Thursday, June 25, 2009

On My Devotion..

Just want to share these articles I have read for my devotion. I was truly blessed so I also want others to be blessed. Reading the Word of God or reading inspirational articles gives life indeed. Can't explain the joy in my heart right now after reading these articles. The authors are encouraging me for years now, make me cry each time, and strengthen me. I thank the Lord for their lives and their dedication.

Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Source: A Lamp For My Feet
Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

Surrender Every Thought

"Although of course we lead normal human lives, the battle we are fighting is on the spiritual level. The very weapons we use are not those of human warfare but powerful in God's warfare for the destruction of the enemy's strongholds. Our battle is to bring down every deceptive fantasy....We fight to capture every thought until it acknowledges the authority of Christ" (2 Cor 10:4-6 JBP).

As I was praying this morning these words were in my mind. There were other things in my mind as well, things which had certainly not acknowledged the authority of Christ. I had been praying for months: Lord, have mercy on So-and-So. There was evidence that He was answering that prayer, and, far from being thankful for that, I found in my heart Jonah's anger. Why should God be merciful to the people of Nineveh or to this person? They didn't deserve it!

Right then and there the spiritual battle was drawn. Whose side was I on anyway? Everything that was opposed to God and his purposes had to be surrendered. I had been trying to explain to God why my own feelings ought to be considered, why his were all wrong. That, too, had to be captured, made to acknowledge Christ's authority. A surrendered mind is not one which is no longer in operation. It is, rather, a mind freed from rebellion and opposition. To be Christ's captive is to be perfectly free.

Author: Warren Wiersbe
Source: Prayer, Praise and Promises
Scripture Reference: Psalm 69:1-12

The Worst Death

Read Psalm 69:1-12

I was chatting about death with a neighbor once, using it as an opportunity to witness to him. We were discussing what the most difficult way to die would be. I finally said, "Perhaps the most difficult way to die would be to be smothered--to be sinking in quicksand and be smothered."

David had that kind of experience spiritually. "Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me" (vv. 1, 2). It's bad enough to be sinking in quicksand, but David also had the floods coming over him. What did he do? He did what every Christian should do. First, he waited. "My throat is dry; my eyes fail while I wait for my God" (v. 3). "Let not those who wait for You, O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed" (v. 6). David knew the situation was in God's control. Yes, he did cry out to God for rescue. Nothing is wrong with that. But he also waited.

Second, he wept. "When I wept and chastened my soul with fasting, that became my reproach" (v. 10). Reproach is used again and again in Psalm 69. (This is a messianic psalm that talks about the reproach Jesus endured for us.) Nothing is wrong with weeping. Pain hurts, and some situations can break your heart. David waited and wept, and he knew that God was going to see him through.

Third, he watched. "Let not those who wait for You, O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed because of me; let not those who seek You be confounded because of me, O God of Israel" (v. 6). In other words David says, "It's not important what happens to me. But I don't want to create any problems for anybody else." Throughout this psalm David becomes more and more like the Lord. When you find yourself sinking, wait, weep, watch and let God work.

* * *

When you find yourself sinking in the quicksand, there is little else you can do but cry to the Lord. Sometimes He allows the "quicksand" experiences to turn you to Him. Wait for God. Acknowledge that He is in control. Give Him the pieces of your broken heart and watch Him work for you. You can depend on His faithfulness.

Author: Woodrow Kroll, Tony Beckett
Source: FaithWalk
Scripture Reference: Job 3-4 Acts 7:44-60

Hemmed In

Job 3-4, Acts 7:44-60
Key Verse: Job 3:23

Among the words a child learns first are no and why--two words that indicate a predisposition to do one's own will and not the will of another. Children learn to say "no" very early. The one-word question comes a little later. The child looks at the parent and asks, "Why?" In essence he is saying, "What you ask does not fit my plans."

Sometimes we ask God the same question, looking toward heaven and saying in our hearts, if not with our lips as well, "Why?" Job did the same thing, although with more than one word. His why questions are spelled out in detail, and in chapter 3 he came as close as he ever would to cursing God. Instead, he asked a series of rhetorical questions.

"Why is life given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged in?" he asked. (v. 23). Tough question! He felt hemmed in, but no longer by God's protection. Instead, he felt hemmed in by trouble. The way was hidden to him, made no sense to him, and no way out was apparent to him. So he asked, "Why?"

Job never would get his question answered. Instead, God demonstrated His glory to Job and he was so affected by it that he repented, regretting that he asked why in the first place (42:6).

At times we all feel hemmed in and wonder why. In those times we must trust that God is sovereign, faithfully in control.

Trust can be difficult, especially when things don't make sense. But they make sense to God. Ask Him to help you trust even when you want to ask why.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free From Fear..

Yesterday, something terrible happened. Something that broke my heart so bad. I've never been so mad and hurt as bad as I was yesterday. And what hurts most is that, the people you love are the ones who caused you the devastation. The people that you care most, people who are truly close to your heart and soul.

Last night, I actually wrote a letter to God on my journal, telling Him what is on my mind and heart, asking Him so many questions, pouring out my heart, venting everything to Him. That is what I usually do that I failed doing for a long time. I also tried reading the Word, listen to Pastor Erick's preaching, and do a lot of stuff but nothing is getting through. I couldn't grasp anything because of pain and what happened keeps playing on my mind and I ended up crying till I slept.

Tonight, I want to spend my time reading to seek God's message for me. So I decided to check my mails and read daily devotions. But before I get the chance to read, I checked Sis Dhines mail for me. I already shared few things to her last night so she mailed me to check if I am ok. Upon replying to her mail, I couldn't stop myself from crying like a baby. I told her what I am really feeling. I want to be honest with her and with our leaders because they are my family too and I love them. I even told her that I am trying to forgive myself and forgive these people , that I am tired of crying, and everything that is in my heart. The sisters and our leaders were all blessing to me. They are one of the reasons why I am pressing on, why I don't wanna give up.

After replying, I checked on this mail and my tears started to flow again. This message shocked me and I was indeed moved. As if the author is talking to me. Yes, this is one of God's messages to me I believe and I know that there are more things to ponder on and meditate to grasp all His messages to me. So I am sharing it because I know this message goes out to all who are suffering as I am. I really praise God for all the things He is doing for me, for His great love for me.

Author: Warren Wiersbe
Source: Prayer, Praise and Promises
Scripture Reference: Psalm 64:1-10

Free From Fear

Read Psalm 64:1-10

Most of us live relatively safe and secure lives, but David was in exile. He was being hounded by King Saul, who wanted to kill him. Here David prays for protection, and he closes the psalm by saying, "The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and trust in Him. And all the upright in heart shall glory" (v. 10). We find three key concepts in this verse that encourage us: joy, faith and glory.

Are you glad in the Lord today? So many times we are not glad because of circumstances. David prayed, "Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation; preserve my life from fear of the enemy" (v. 1). I would have said, "Preserve my life from the enemy." But David said, "Preserve me from fear of the enemy." In other words, instead of fear he had faith. Instead of fear he had joy. Instead of fear he wanted to bring glory to God.

Most of our problems are not on the outside but on the inside. When the disciples were in the boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee on a stormy night, Jesus came to them and rebuked them for their unbelief. Their problem wasn't the storm on the outside--it was the storm on the inside. Likewise, your problem today may not be the circumstances around you or the people against you. It may be the fear that's inside you.

"All men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God" (v. 9). David sang praises to the Lord. He was glad in the Lord. He trusted in and gave glory to Him. "All the upright in heart shall glory" (v. 10). It's easy to read this verse but much more difficult to practice it. Take your eyes off the circumstances and put them on the Lord. Trust in His promises, not your own power. And most of all, seek to bring Him all the glory.

* * *

Fear can rob you of your joy and trust in God. Don't allow fear or circumstances to take your eyes off the Lord. Let the truth of the Word of God control your mind and heart.

I read the mail many times and asking God what fear the author is talking about. Then God impressed in my heart about my fear and that is my fear of losing my love ones completely. I want them to understand my heart's desire, why I am doing what I am doing now, I want them to experience the same experience I am having with God, with Lord Jesus, and the joy and love in the church. I am afraid that they will miss all these things, that they will not understand me and we will be separated by heart for a long time. Then I prayed to God and committing Him everything, giving Him my whole trust, leaving everything to Him. However, I know that there are also things that I need to sort and settle for myself. I mean, I need to truly understand and get what God wants me to practice and I believe God is dealing with me. I admit my faults for doing things according to my own will, my own way. I need to see my flaws and be changed for the better according to His will. I wish and hope that I will be able to see things the way God is seeing them. I wish I could see the world through His very eyes and feel everything through His very heart and mind. Very funny because last night and just awhile ago my wishes were different. I even wished that I am numb for me not to feel any pain, I wished that I didn't love and care much and lot of wishes that are full of pain and desolation. Praise God for His comfort and for pruning me no matter how tormenting it is, it is for my own good anyway. Now, my heart is rejoicing despite of what happened. I really want to practice rejoicing in all circumstances. As what Sis Merla said, "don't give up!", press on. These things are just temporary, they will all pass and the reward was more than I am expecting. I am truly grateful and blessed for the life of my dear sisters, Sis Dhines, Sis Aby, Sis Merla, Sis Elena, Sis Connie, Sis Lorrie, our dear brothers Bro William, Bro Johny, our beloved Pastor Peter, mighty man of God, our Pastor Erick Chang, and all our leaders, and their teachings that imparted hope, strength, love, joy, and deeper faith to my heart and soul. I think, I need to take things easy and no need to rush on the things I want. I need to stay closer to Him, follow His leading, and obey His will. I have to be strong and fight the good fight of faith until I attain God's will for me and be the person He wants me to be.

"Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Don't Give Up!

Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. -Matthew 7:13-14

I was truly moved with Sis Merla's message awhile ago. She said, "it's hard to obey the will of God because we always want to follow our own way". Then she added, "actually, doing God's will is not that hard. It only becomes hard when you want to go your own way".

Yes, I totally agree that it seems hard because we always insist our own will, doing things our way instead of obeying His will. But if we only learn to obey and die to ourselves it will be smooth and not that hard.

Then she said, "entering the narrow gate is just the beginning. You have to walk through the narrow road before you reach God's kingdom (eternal life). And before you can enter, you must knock first. And only few find this gate."

It's true that there are only few who'll find this narrow gate and there are few among those few finds the gate and have the key, will enter. What is it that holds us back and why we don't want to enter? I really pray that I am one of the few who will enter the gate and walk through the narrow road.

Then she added, " it is narrow road because you have to go through hardships before you reach His kingdom as it is written on Acts 14:22 (strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God"). But no matter how hard it is, though there are lot of trials, temptations, and struggles, DON'T GIVE UP!", she said.

Yes, following the Lord Jesus wasn't that easy. There are prizes you need to pay. I've been struggling and into pain for the past 2 weeks, and sometimes I feel like giving up. I've been crying to the Lord because my emotion was too strong for me to fight. But I am so grateful and I thank the Lord for using Sis Merla to tell me not to give up. I may be weak but God is the strength of my heart. I am so blessed despite of all this pain and sorrows I am feeling because my God, and my Savior , and with the help of our leaders, I am truly inspired to continue and press on towards the goal. Yes, as the song goes, there will be a day, where no more tears, no more pain and I will see Jesus and my Creator face to face. I thank God for I am relieved and encouraged. Whenever the enemy reminds me of my pain, God reminds me His message through Sis Merla, "Gayle, don't give up!" What a sweet and strong message. Thank God for the life of Sis Merla. She is truly an inspiration to me as well as Sis Aby and Sis Dhines.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The Dream I Had..

Your face is so familiar as if I know you forever..

When your hand hold mine, I felt the warm despite of your rough palm..
When your arms were around me so tight, seems everything alright..
I never felt protected and secured as I did when you hugged me..

Leaning on your chest was full of peace and joy..
I felt your love and sincerity, that I have never felt before..
I wish you are holding me forever and forever you’re behind me..
Because everything seems perfect when I am with you..

My heart and hand couldn’t stop wanting to hold your hand..
As if I am not complete without you wrapping me so tight..
My soul is longing for you, wanting to be with you forever..
The warmth of your body gives me hope and serenity..

Thank you for that special moment though it’s just a dream..
If it is God’s will then I’ll wait for His time to see you again..
Whoever you are and wherever you are right now..
May the Lord mold you and make you the man He wants you to be..

For now, I have to focus on the things the Lord wants me to do..
Walk and live in a way that pleases Him, in accordance to His will..
I pray that you do the same, walking on the same path I am taking..
Until the Lord leads us back together, to love and serve Him and each other forever..