Saturday 1am, I've watched the Hillsong's concert held last February 27, 2005. I was overwhelmed and touched with the huge crowd. Seeing this huge crowd jumping, raising hands, crying while praising the Lord is one of the happiest moments of my life. I am praying that I could be in Australia even just for a day just to attend Hillsong Church's service. I want to hear their bands play and sing live. I am so blessed seeing the talents of this people and they let their talents be used for the glory of the Lord. Wishing I have the same talent but I am still grateful because I can dance for His glory. Praising and serving the Lord with my family and my future partner also came into my mind that makes me more eager to go home. There is nothing happier than being with your family and your partner and praising and serving the Lord with them. Though having a boyfriend is not yet on my priorities right now, I am always praying that the Lord will give me a Christian partner. A guy that will work and serve the Lord with me. And while listening to their songs, few words are also coming from my mind and it reminds of the poem that I promised the Lord. When I composed my poem Just A Friend, I told the Lord that I will make one for Him and that is a promise. I did not forget but I have so much to tell Him and I know words are not enough for all the things He gave me and I want it to be the most beautiful poem I could compose because it is for Him and I want it to be from the bottom and deepest part of my heart and soul.The concert was through at 3am so I prayed and told the Lord I will start drafting as soon as I wake up. I started writing 2 stanzas but my chinese friend came and I promised her for a sleep over on her apartment. She really wanted me to stay with her so I did and I stayed there till our Sunday service. So as soon as I get here at work, I started writing so here is the poem. I don't have the good choice of words but the poem came from my heart and soul.
My Deepest Gratitude
Gayle Galang
But You keep on knocking my door over and over
All You want is to be remembered and make my day brighter
Never stopped pleasing me that You're a great comforter
You meet all my needs just to make me really happy
You are always watching over me to ensure of my safety
But what You see in me is fear and my hear is weary
From how many times did I break Your heart
Is how many times You forgive me everytime I ask
So seldom You hear me pray and seek for Your comfort
But You never ceased to love me and give me support
You've been there for me and blessed me everyday
You saturate my soul and my fears You cast away
You lift me up and keep showing me the way
You keep on giving but You didn't ask me to repay
You always heal my heart everytime it breaks
You're mending it each time it was hurt and bleeds
You always listen whenever my soul cries
You ease the pain for every sorrow it utters
You gave Your only Son just to redeem me
He took the punishment to give me life and set me free
He bears the pain instead of deciding to flee
He endures the tortures and chose to die for me
How cruel I am to forget all the things You and Jesus done
Everytime I fail my hope and faith will also be gone
Keep on hurting You and treated You as no one
I believe and praise myself instead of You I should enthrone
Now I've realized that I am blessed for having You
I have proven that my Creator and His love is true
Knowing You're there, I am sure my life has a better value
Your loving kindness and forgiveness lifted me out of the blue
I am sorry for all the things I have done wrong
Forgive me for all the blame I put in You for so long
I'll never be the same again I swear I'll be strong
Never let the enemy steal me again because to You I belong
I can't thank You enough for being an amazing Father
For fixing my broken heart and putting the pieces back together
For giving me unconditional love and for Your mercy that endures forever
For keeping me safe al the time and for being my shelter
Now that I have You, I am no longer insecure
Because I know in You alone my future is secure
You sanctified my heart and cleansed it from being impure
I will be loved forever and never be alone that's for sure
You are my Lord, my Saviour, my King, my Life, and my God Almighty
You're the best thing that had happened to me, a Father full of mercy
For all the things You have done, You deserve all the glory
All the praises, all honors, all worships You are worthy
Draw me closer to You and promise You'll never let me go
My flesh may fail me but I will keep coming back to You
I will forever praise and thank You no matter what I'll do
I trust and adore You and to You I will always look up to
I love You more than anything else in this world
I will never ever trade You for silver or for gold
My faith in You and Your promises I will hold
Promise to obey You always and I will never be cold
Forever I will serve You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength
I love You from the depths of my soul and love You more than my breath
I will be forever grateful and do Your will here on earth
I will not stop praising, loving You and forever I'll live by faith
Nothing compares to You and to the love You gave
I am overwhelmed with all the blessings I have
What is more beautiful and greater than knowing that I am save
Let me offer You my life as an expression of my deepest gratitude
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