Sunday, November 27, 2005

Messages From God Through Miss Karen

Miss Karen is an Australian missionary. She is our leader in fellowship here in China. She’d been staying here at China for 3 years. When God sent her in China, at first she can’t believe it and asked God if He really wants her to be here. She is an intercessor. She had a gift of seeing messages upon seeing a person’s face. Last night was our last fellowship with her because she will fly to Japan and stay there for 6 months to 1 year. She made cards for us and wrote messages on it. She said while she is praying for each and every one of us those are the messages that God wants to send us. Those are revelations from God.

Before she began the preaching right after the praise and worship, she told me that every time she is seeing me on praise and worship, she is seeing “Be Bold” on me. She repeated it “Aby Be Bold”, “Aby Be Bold”, she said she kept on seeing that during our praise and worship. I didn’t ask what it means because we are in the middle of fellowship. After the preaching, she said there are two among us have calling from the Lord. She looked at Ate Cecile and said “The other one was definitely you. But I don’t want to reveal the other one because it might scared her off.”

Then she started giving out the cards and reading them out loud. I am shaking and praying for strength while waiting for my turn. I said to the Lord to help me accept and do whatever Your message for me. While reading the messages, she is crying then she said “I am crying not because of grief. It is actually cleansing”, she looked at me and said, “You have it. It is cleansing from the Lord.” I was surprised because she had so much to say to me. She is always seeing me crying every Praise and Worship that is why she told me that. She is right, you are crying not because you are sad or you have problems. You are crying because you are feeling His presence and His love. As what Jhay told me, “Crying is not a sign of weakness but of courage to face the fact that you’re nothing without God’s grace and mercy.” And told me that I am not alone because even him is crying on Praise and Worship. I was so blessed and happy to hear that from him. It was really amazing and uplifting knowing a guy is crying because of God’s grace, love and mercy. There are probably 2% of man's population who's like that.

My turn came. I was the last one, before reading the card, she said there are lots of prayers and revelations for me. Then she read:

“Abby God has you on His operating table healing and restoring you emotionally and strengthening you as He prepares you for what is to come. Take this opportunity to trust in Him and open your heart to Him. Allow Him to refine you as pure gold. Remember He is the potter you are the clay. Allow Him to mould (mold) you and shape you into a willing vessel for Him.

Keep your eyes on Him and your heart filled to overflowing with His word, for His word is wisdom and strength, your life support.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

Abby know He will direct your path, do not turn this way or that way walk a straight path and stay in His peace. He knows your heart more than you know yourself and He loves you just the way you are. But even better He loves you so much He wants you to be whole. Abide in Him and He will abide in you.”

When we got home, while Ate Cecile and I were cooking, we talked about the messages. Then I asked her, Miss Karen was saying about two among us. What was that? I didn’t hear it clearly. Ate Cecile said it was a calling from God then she told me I might be the other one because God is refining me and I am on His operating table. Then I said oh no. That is what you like right, she asked. I said yes, I want to be on a mission but not right now because I still need to support my family probably when I'm stable. Then she told me about the “Be Bold” thing. I almost forget about it, Ate Cecile reminded me about it. Oh yeah I said, I don’t understand what was that. What does it mean I asked. Probably be strong and courageous she said.

It’s bed time. After shower, I sat on my bed and read the card Miss Karen gave me again. I meditated on the messages written on it. I read it 4 times and this message made me cried “He knows your heart more than you know yourself and He loves you just the way you are.” No one ever told he/she loves me just the way I am. I was so happy to hear that from the Lord. I only got that from Him and I was overwhelmed and my heart burst with happiness. I thank the Lord for His unfailing and unconditional love He’s giving me. “Abby God has you on His operating table healing and restoring you emotionally and strengthening you as He prepares you for what is to come.” I keep on thinking about this. I am asking what is to come and why should I be prepared? I asked “Lord will you take away my mom from me?” Then I cried and said, I hope it’s not that oh Lord. I can’t afford to lose my mom. Give us more time together probably 10-20 more years Lord. But I discerned that it wasn’t it. Till now I am thinking what would it be. Whatever it will be, I know that the Lord will be there for me so I am ready for it. After reading it 4 times, I closed my eyes and prayed. I asked the Lord to help me and strengthen me while He is preparing, shaping me for whatever He wants me to be. I raised my right hand and ask the Lord to reach for it and never let go of it no matter what happens. My eyes were filled with tears and I am so happy for His messages thinking that I was special because He had a plan for me. This is what I want. I want Him to use me as His messenger and servant. Praise God. He is a loving and forgiving God.

After praying as my daily devotion, I read my book “Devotions For A Deeper Life” and here is what I’ve read:

November 28


But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness (1 Timothy 4:7)

You cannot predict how God may operate. Many dear souls are living specimens of what God has done and how the Spirit of God has worked, even though you may not fully understand them nor their methods. Many times some poor, ignorant servant, who seems to scarcely know how to put anything together, is mighty used of God in the salvation of souls – while others, who have a clear understanding of the gospel, explain the way of salvation ever so clearly, yet nothing happens.

This illustrates once again that a right relationship with God is more important that right teaching about God.

Ask yourself, Do I experimentally know what full salvation is? Do I know what entire sanctification means, in my own experience? The worker for God must be in healthy, vigorous spiritual condition himself. Are you?

Prayer Thought: O God, work out Your will in my life as You desire. Your ways are above my ways.

The message is almost the same from what Miss Karen gave me. Upon lying down, I kept on thinking about the messages and the message “Be Bold”. Asking the Lord what does He mean. What does He referring to. And kept on saying “Be Bold” “Be Bold” “Be Bold”, what does it really mean till my eyes closed and slept. I am still digging on the messages but I know the Lord will reveal them soon to me. Whatever they are, knowing that the Lord is with me there is nothing I should fear about. All I know is that I am happy because the Lord loves me so much and He has a plan for me. Let’s wait and see what is that plan.

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