Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Considering Creation

Author: Warren Wiersbe
Source: Prayer, Praise and Promises
Scripture Reference: Psalm 104:19-26 James 1:17

Considering Creation

Read Psalm 104:19-26

After surveying God's work in creation, the psalmist wrote: "O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your possessions" (v. 24). This verse shows us important traits of God.

First, creation reveals God's wisdom. We ought to take time to admire His wisdom in creation. I've read that if the proportion of gases in the air were changed ever so slightly, all of us would die. The way God tilted the earth, the way He arranged the seasons, the way He put creation together is a revelation of His great wisdom. It's logical that the God who is wise enough to run creation is wise enough to run our lives. If He can keep the stars and the planets and the seasons and all these things going as they should, can He not put our lives together and make them what they ought to be?

Second, creation contains God's wealth. "The earth is full of Your possessions" (v. 24). Without His wealth, we could not exist. Not only are gold and silver and other precious stones measures of His wealth, but so are ore and rock, fruit and grain.

Third, creation makes possible man's work. "Man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening" (v. 23). Even Adam had work to do in the Garden of Eden. Work is a blessing, not a burden, if we're doing it for the Lord.

Fourth, creation motivates us to worship the Lord. "O Lord, how manifold are Your works!" We don't worship creation--that's idolatry. We worship the God of creation. We recognize that He gives every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). 0 let us adore Him, our great Creator, our great Savior.

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Creation shows God's wisdom, so rejoice! Creation contains His wealth, so use it for His glory. Creation provides work for man, so view work as a blessing. But greatest of all, creation should move you to worship the Lord.

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